Study on purchasing behaviour during Coronavirus #2

Consumers show support for local shops.

22 April 2020

Purchasing behaviour changed significantly during the Coronavirus crisis: consumers create shopping lists, find out about promotions in advance and plan their purchases better. Interest in discounts and promotions has increased massively since the outbreak of the crisis, as an analysis of users of Profital shows. After reopening, it can also be assumed that purchasing behaviour will be rather restrained. However, demand for fashion and home and garden items is likely to be high. In the future, consumers will also undertake to buy more locally again.

                Woman shopping with smartphone

How has purchasing behaviour changed during the Coronavirus crisis? To find out, we have surveyed around 5,630 people throughout Switzerland. In general, it can be said that: consumers are now more conscious when planning their purchases. Due to the economic trend during the Coronavirus, they pay more attention to prices (40%), find out about promotions in advance (49%), make shopping lists (64%) and currently plan their purchases more than they did previously (54%). In addition, almost a third of all respondents want to support local shops more in the future and shop closer to home.

After reopening: fashion and home and garden items in particular demand

When users were asked how they will behave when the shops reopen, many were tentative: the majority (56%) want to wait and see what happens during the first few weeks before going back to the shops. Those from West Switzerland are particularly cautious: 28% do not want to visit any shops for the time being, compared to 13% in German-speaking Switzerland. “For the stationary retail trade, it could take a little longer until purchasing behaviour has returned to normal and confidence in the shops is back. To counteract this, not only are attractive offers needed after reopening, but also a sense of security. Those who can convey this will then have a clear advantage”, says Raphael Thommen, Managing Director of Profital, about the analyses.

As soon as the shops open again, fashion and home and garden items in particular will be in high demand: with 45% each, these are the product categories that are missed most during the lockdown and will be the first to be bought after reopening.

Support for the stationary trade is there

The Coronavirus crisis will also leaves its mark on future purchasing behaviour. A total of 30% of the respondents intend to shop more locally. Almost a quarter have set themselves the goal of supporting smaller shops. This suggests an increasing sense of solidarity for the stationary retail trade. Just 10% are opting to do more online shopping. These uncertain times also have an impact on savings: around 20% of those surveyed said they would like to save more money when shopping in the future.

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